Saturday, November 24, 2007

Why Bother?

So by now you've probably read my little manifesto on the side there and may be wondering what exactly has possessed me to take on this challenge? Why bother?
No, I have not had some great religious awakening, nor am I out to save the world.

After moving to a new city and hardly knowing anybody I realized how wrapped up in our own lives we truly are. So much so that we hardly pay attention to the world outside of our own bubble. So I decided to try to break this habit by forcing myself to reach out to others.

Then I stumbled across the theory of random acts of kindness. It not a new idea, there actually is a Random Acts Of Kindness Foundation. I liked the concept that reaching out to people in small ways can make a difference.

It was going to be a New Year's resolution, but I never stick to those (seriously does anybody?) and I thought why wait until January to start. The holiday season is a great time to spread kindness.

My goal is to give people a little something to smile about or to extend a gesture to someone more in need.